Things to consider when joining a group

Everyone’s been harping on at you for months to join a networking group. You keep hearing they’re a fantastic opportunity to build relationships, work with others, and of course increase referrals and therefore income. However, with so many different groups available, you don’t have a clue how to decide what group’s the right one for … Continued

Should you join more than one networking group?

Once business owners begin to see the benefits of networking, they often consider joining more than one group at a time. However, that opens up a whole set of questions around how many groups you can, and indeed should, join. Ultimately, the answer to that is entirely personal but here are some things to consider … Continued

How to get the most out of your visit

Like many networking groups we allow visitors to attend twice, at no charge, before asking them to decide whether they would like to join or not. In the majority of cases they sign up there and then (and no, that isn’t because we give them the hard sell), which is great. It means that in … Continued

Business Cards

When you attend a networking event, it’s standard practice to take a handful of business cards with you. Many of us still do it, perhaps without even thinking, having been trained over the years to always have them on hand. However, with the ever presence of phones, where we can quickly and easily store a … Continued


When it comes to networking, there can be some debate about whether or not interactions between members should be recorded. Some groups don’t pay any attention to it at all, simply allowing members to pass referrals naturally and complete 1-to-1’s if they feel like it. Other groups really push all, or some, elements, with penalties … Continued

60 Seconds

Here at BBG, like many other networking groups, we have a 60 second round. This is an opportunity for our members (and visitors) to address the entire group, and promote their own business. Whilst standing up in front of a large group of people, regardless of how well you know them or not, can be … Continued

Networking Nerves

Few people would argue that networking is a great way to increase awareness around your business, brand and products; however, even fewer people look forward to walking in to a room of complete strangers and striking up conversation. How then, if you’re not the most outgoing of individuals, do you overcome those networking nerves and … Continued

Know, Like and Trust

For networking to really be effective, you have to get people to know, like and trust you. Now, none of that happens overnight, and will take consistent effort on your part – but how exactly do you go about that? Here our Chair, Lu Etchells from Time Saving Heroes, shares the tips she’s picked up … Continued

Why network…

The other day I was talking to someone about Bury Business Group, and they said “Oh, but networking’s just a scam, isn’t it?”. I admit, the question threw me a little bit, and anyone who knows me will attest to the fact I’m rarely lost for words. Of course, I can only speak from experience, … Continued

Big Bury Business Expo

On Thursday, 5th October Bury Business Group will be exhibiting at the Big Bury Business Expo. This fabulous bi-annual event is hosted by one of our members, thebestofBury and takes place at The Village Hotel, Bury. As things stand over 300 people are expected to attend, and 50 business will be exhibiting, which makes it … Continued

6 Powerful Tips to Get the Most Out of Networking

The most valuable resource an entrepreneur has is time, so everything on your schedule should leverage those precious hours. In fact, asking how to connect with other entrepreneurs, clients, mentors or investors is not the question you should be asking. Rather, you should be focusing on why you want to connect with them in the first place. The … Continued